10.2 Interrupt Vector Mapping

Each interrupt vector is connected to one peripheral instance, as shown in the table below. A peripheral can have one or more interrupt sources. For more details on the available interrupt sources, see the Interrupt section in the Functional Description of the respective peripheral.

An interrupt flag is set in the peripheral's interrupt flag (<peripheral>.INTFLAGS) register when the interrupt condition occurs, even if the interrupt is not enabled.

By writing to the corresponding Interrupt Enable bit in the peripheral's Interrupt Control (<peripheral>.INTCTRL) register, an interrupt is enabled or disabled.

An interrupt request is generated when the corresponding interrupt is enabled, and the interrupt flag is set. The interrupt request remains active until the interrupt flag is cleared. See the peripheral's interrupt flag (<peripheral>.INTFLAGS) register for details on how to clear interrupt flags.

Note: Interrupts must be enabled globally for interrupt requests to be generated.
Table 10-3. Interrupt Vector Mapping
Vector Number Program Address (word) Peripheral Source (Name) Description 14-pin 20-pin 28-pin 32-pin
0 0x00 RESET X X X X
1 0x02 NMI Non-Maskable interrupt available for CRCSCAN X X X X
2 0x04 BOD_VLM Voltage Level Monitor X X X X
3 0x06 RTC_CNT Overflow / compare match X X X X
4 0x08 RTC_PIT Periodic interrupt X X X X
5 0x0A CCL_CCL Configurable Custom Logic X X X X
6 0x0C PORTA_PORT External interrupt X X X X
7 0x0E WEX0 Fault detect X X X X
8 0x10 TCE0_OVF Overflow X X X X
9 0x12 TCE0_CMP0 Compare Channel 0 X X X X
10 0x14 TCE0_CMP1 Compare Channel 1 X X X X
11 0x16 TCE0_CMP2 Compare Channel 2 X X X X
12 0x18 TCE0_CMP3 Compare Channel 3 X X X X
13 0x1A TCB0_INT Capture / Overflow X X X X
14 0x1C TCB1_INT Capture / Overflow X X X X
15 0x1E TWI0_TWIC Client X X X X
16 0x20 TWI0_TWIH Host X X X X
17 0x22 SPI0_INT Serial Peripheral Interface 0 X X X X
18 0x24 USART0_RXC Receive complete X X X X
19 0x26 USART0_DRE Data register empty X X X X
20 0x28 USART0_TXC Transmit complete X X X X
21 0x2A PORTD_PORT External interrupt X X X X
22 0x2C TCF0_INT Compare / Overflow X X X X
23 0x2E AC0_AC Compare X X X X
24 0x30 ADC0_ERROR Error X X X X
25 0x32 ADC0_RESRDY Result ready X X X X
26 0x34 ADC0_SAMPRDY Sample ready X X X X
27 0x36 AC1_AC Compare X X X X
28 0x38 PORTC_PORT External interrupt X X X X
29 0x3A PORTF_PORT External interrupt X X X X