10.1 Peripheral Address Map

The address map shows the base address for each peripheral. Refer to the respective peripheral sections for a complete register description and summary for each peripheral.

Table 10-1. Peripheral Address Map
Base Address Name Description 14-pin 20-pin 28-pin 32-pin
0x0000 VPORTA Virtual Port A X X X X
0x0008 VPORTC Virtual Port C X X X X
0x000C VPORTD Virtual Port D X X X X
0x0014 VPORTF Virtual Port F X X X X
0x001C GPR General Purpose registers X X X X
0x0030 CPU CPU X X X X
0x0040 RSTCTRL Reset Controller X X X X
0x0050 SLPCTRL Sleep Controller X X X X
0x0060 CLKCTRL Clock Controller X X X X
0x00A0 BOD Brown-out Detector X X X X
0x00B0 VREF Voltage Reference X X X X
0x0100 WDT Watchdog Timer X X X X
0x0110 CPUINT Interrupt Controller X X X X
0x0120 CRCSCAN Cyclic Redundancy Check Memory Scan X X X X
0x0140 RTC Real-Time Counter X X X X
0x01C0 CCL Configurable Custom Logic X X X X
0x0200 EVSYS Event System X X X X
0x0400 PORTA Port A Configuration X X X X
0x0440 PORTC Port C Configuration X X X X
0x0460 PORTD Port D Configuration X X X X
0x04A0 PORTF Port F Configuration X X X X
0x05E0 PORTMUX Port Multiplexer X X X X
0x0600 ADC0 Analog-to-Digital Converter X X X X
0x0680 AC0 Analog Comparator 0 X X X X
0x0688 AC1 Analog Comparator 1 X X X X
0x0800 USART0 Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 0 X X X X
0x0900 TWI0 Two-Wire Interface X X X X
0x0940 SPI0 Serial Peripheral Interface X X X X
0x0A00 TCE0 Timer/Counter Type E instance 0 X X X X
0x0B00 TCB0 Timer/Counter Type B instance 0 X X X X
0x0B10 TCB1 Timer/Counter Type B instance 1 X X X X
0x0C00 TCF0 Timer/Counter Type F instance 0 X X X X
0x0C80 WEX0 Waveform Extension instance 0 X X X X
0x0F00 SYSCFG System Configuration X X X X
0x0F80 OCD On-Chip Debug X X X X
0x1000 NVMCTRL Nonvolatile Memory Controller X X X X
Table 10-2. System Memory Address Map
Base Address Name Description 14-pin 20-pin 28-pin 32-pin
0x1040 LOCKBIT Lock bits X X X X
0x1050 FUSE User Configuration Fuses X X X X
0x1080 SIGROW Signature Row X X X X
0x1100 BOOTROW Boot Row X X X X
0x1200 USERROW User Row X X X X