4.2 Modes of Operation

The tamper detection in this device can operate in one of the following modes.

Off: Detection for INn is disabled

Wake: A transition on INn matching TAMPCTRL.TAMPLVLn will be detected and the tamper interrupt flag (INTFLAG.TAMPER) will be set. The RTC value will not be captured in the TIMESTAMP register.

Capture: A transition on INn matching TAMPCTRL.TAMPLVLn will be detected and the tamper interrupt flag (INTFLAG.TAMPER) will be set. The RTC value will be captured in the TIMESTAMP register.

Active Layer Protection: A mismatch between INn and OUT will be detected and the tamper interrupt flag (INTFLAG.TAMPER) will be set. The RTC value will be captured in the TIMESTAMP register. See “Active Layer Protection” for more details.

To determine which tamper source caused a tamper event, the Tamper ID register (TAMPID) provides the detection status of each input pin and the input event. These bits remain active until cleared by software.