1 ADC Module Overview
The ADC2 module consists of two main blocks: the acquisition/conversion block (ADC) and the computation block. The ADC block reads an analog signal and converts it into a digital number, while the computation block takes the converted digital number and applies post-processing functions.
The ADC block provides the following features:
- 13-bit Acquisition Timer
- Automatic Repeat and Sequencing:
- Two result registers
- Auto-conversion trigger
- Automated double sample conversion for CVD
- Hardware Capacitive Voltage Divider
(CVD) Support:
- 13-bit Precharge Timer
- Adjustable sampling capacitor array
- Guard ring digital output drive
The Computation block provides the following features:
- Averaging and Low-Pass Filter Functions
- Reference Comparison
- 2-level Threshold Comparison
- Selectable Interrupts