7.3 Revision C (May 2021)

  • Changes reflect that the RLM License Administration Manual has been updated to v14.1 on September 2020.
  • Chapter 1. “Network License Server Overview”: Updated content as virtual machines now supported and the server need not be running a server-grade OS. Figure 1.1 “Network License Client/Server Model” has been updated for one or more installed licenses and Table 1-2 “License Server Software Platforms” has been updated for 64-bit only operation. A security note has been added to state that the server should not be exposed to the public internet .
  • Chapter 2. “Network License Server Installation”: All screen images updated.
  • Chapter 3. “Network License Server Startup”: Example 3-1 updated. Section 3.1 “Installing License Server on a Virtual Machine” has been added. Section 3.4 “Running the License Server as a Service” updated with the latest RLM manual content.
  • Chapter 4. “Considerations for Running MPLAB XC License Server on Cloud Platforms”: New chapter.
  • Chapter 5. “How To’s”: Under Section 5.1 “Change the default ports that are used”, Figure 5-1 “Compiler Installation - Network Client” has been updated. Sections 5.6 through 5.8 show the updated server install directory.
  • Chapter 6. “RLM End User Manual - Extracts” (Previously Appendix A): Extracts based on the updated v14.1 manual. Changes of note are:
    • Section 6.1 “RLM End User Manual Versions”: New section added.
    • Section 6.2.1 “The License Server”: Added Note that you should NEVER run the rlm servers as a privileged user. In Section “rlm startup options”, added -iai, -user username and -password password. In Section “License Server Startup Processing”, provide link to how to run server on a virtual machine.
    • Section “Optional Parameters”: The table under platforms=platform-list must be updated for 64-bit only operation.
    • Section 6.2.3 “License Administration Tools”: Added Section “rlmadduser – add a user to the ISV server options file”. In Sections “rlmdown - shuts down the license server” and “rlmstat - obtains status from the license servers”, added [-c license_file] option. In Section “rlmhostid - print the hostid of this machine”, new options added.
    • Section 6.2.4 “Client Authentication”: New section added.
    • Section 6.2.5 “The RLM Web Server”: New note that web server is disabled if the user running rlm is root or an admin user. In Section “Access Control to the RLM Web Interface”, extend_roam added to Table 6-3 “RLM privileges assignable in the RLM password file”. Sections “Intro Screen” and “License Status” have updated graphics.
    • Section “PURGE_REPORTLOG #days” added.
    • Sections 6.3.1 “How to Queue for Licenses” and “How to make a License Roam”: Added a note about setting RLM_ROAM causes setting RLM_QUEUE to be ignored .
    • Section 6.3.3 (A.10) “Failover License Servers” has been removed.
    • Section 6.4.2 :Reportlog File Format”: In Section “Authentication data”, added BADAUTH. In Section “checkin”, why value of 11 added to table. In Section “checkout”, added statement about client-ip-address. Section “dynamic reservation” added new. In Section “log file start”, SWITCH and TIMEZONE added.