4.3 DAC Output as an Analog Comparator Input

This configuration involves the AC and DAC peripherals, where the PIC 8-bit microcontroller has the flexibility to route the DAC output to the noninverting input of AC, internally.

Figure 4-9. DAC Output as an Analog Comparator Input Configuration

The comparator register CMxPCH must be used for selecting the DAC output as a noninverting channel. The polarity of the comparator output can be inverted by setting the CxPOL bit. Clearing the CxPOL bit results in a noninverted output. The CxPOL bit belongs to register CMxCON0 and the output of the comparator is listed in following table:

Table 4-6. Comparator Output
Input Condition CxPOL CxOUT
VIN+ > VIN- 0 0
VIN+ < VIN- 0 1
VIN+ > VIN- 1 1
VIN+ < VIN- 1 0

Figure 4-10 and Figure 4-11 show how the MCC can be used to generate code for this particular configuration.

Figure 4-10. DAC Output Configuration Using MCC
Figure 4-11. CMP1 Configuration for DAC Output as an Analog Comparator Input Using MCC
The following code is generated by the MCC for the DAC configuration:
void DAC1_Initialize(void)
    // DAC1EN enabled; NSS VSS; PSS VREF+; OE1 disabled; OE2 disabled; 
    DAC1CON0 = 0x84;
    // DAC1R 8; 
    DAC1CON1 = 0x08;
The following code is generated by the MCC for the comparator configuration:
void CMP1_Initialize(void)
    PIE2bits.C1IE = 0; // C1HYS disabled; C1EN enabled; C1POL not inverted; C1SYNC asynchronous;                          
    CM1CON0 = 0x80;                        
    CM1CON1 = 0x02; // C1INTN no_intFlag; C1INTP intFlag_pos
    CM1NCH = 0x07; // NCH Vss;                          
    CM1PCH = 0x05; // PCH DACOUT;                          
    PIR2bits.C1IF = 0; // Clearing IF flag before enabling the interrupt.
    PIE2bits.C1IE = 1; // Enabling CMP1 interrupt.