
Microchip IEEE® 802.15.4 MAC API provides interface between the physical layer and the network layer. This online guide provides information on how to configure and enable the functionalities of the Application Programming Interface (API) software. A general description of each API is provided including the functionalities, syntax, responses, and an example. The API description defines the parameter with its type, range (valid/acceptable values), the default value (when available), and the factory programmed value (when applicable).

The IEEE 802.15.4 standard defines the Media Access Control (MAC) layer for low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs).

Besides that, the MAC core layer provides the set of APIs which can be used to interface a basic application.

The MAC layer comprises the following fundamental components:
  • MAC dispatcher
  • MAC management service
  • MAC data service
  • MAC beacon manager
  • MAC Security module
  • MAC incoming frame processor
  • MAC PIB module
  • MAC stack task functions

It is responsible for managing access to the shared wireless medium, handling data transmission and reception, and providing support for security and power management. The MAC layer uses a contention-based Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol to manage access to the wireless medium.