The following table provides the list of WPAN APIs which can be used by the higher layer to interact with MAC layer.
S.No | API Name | Description | API Type |
1 | WPAN_Init() |
Initializes all stack resources including the microcontroller and transceiver using functions provided by the PHY and the PAL | Asynchronous |
2 | WPAN_Task() |
| Asynchronous |
3 | WPAN_MCPS_Datareq(uint8_t SrcAddrMode, WPAN_AddrSpec_t *DstAddrSpec, uint8_t msduLength, uint8_t *msdu, uint8_t msduHandle, uint8_t TxOptions) | This function is called to initiate MCPS-DATA.request service and have it placed in the MCPS-SAP queue. | Asynchronous |
4 | WPAN_MCPS_PurgeReq(const uint8_t msduHandle) | This function is called to initiate MCPS-PURGE.request service and have it placed in the MCPS-SAP queue. | Asynchronous |
5 | WPAN_MLME_AssociateReq(uint8_t LogicalChannel, uint8_t ChannelPage, WPAN_AddrSpec_t *CoordAddrSpec, uint8_t CapabilityInformation) | This function is called to initiate MLME-ASSOCIATE.request service and have it placed in the MLME-SAP queue. | Asynchronous |
6 | WPAN_MLME_AssociateResp(uint64_t DeviceAddress, uint16_t AssocShortAddress, uint8_t status); | This function called to initiate MLME-ASSOCIATE.response service and place it in the MLME-SAP queue. | Asynchronous |
7 | WPAN_MLME_DisassociateReq(WPAN_AddrSpec_t *DeviceAddrSpec, uint8_t DisassociateReason, bool TxIndirect) | This function is called to initiate MLME-DISASSOCIATE.request service and have it placed in the MLME-SAP queue. | Asynchronous |
8 | WPAN_MLME_GetReq(uint8_t PIBAttribute) | This function is called to initiate MLME-GET.request service and add it to the MLME-SAP queue in order to retrieve the PIB attributes. | Asynchronous |
9 | WPAN_MLME_OrphanResp(uint64_t OrphanAddress, uint16_t ShortAddress, bool AssociatedMember) | This function is called to initiate MLME-ORPHAN.response service and add it in MLME_SAP queue. | Asynchronous |
10 | WPAN_MLME_PollReq(WPAN_AddrSpec_t *CoordAddrSpec) | This function is called to initiate MLME-POLL.request service and have it placed in the MLME-SAP queue. | Asynchronous |
11 | WPAN_MLME_ResetReq(bool SetDefaultPib) | This function is called to initiate MLME-RESET.request service and have it placed in the MLME-SAP queue, SetDefaultPib to set all PIB values to their respective defaults. | Asynchronous |
12 | WPAN_MLME_SetReq(uint8_t PIBAttribute, void *PIBAttributeValue) | This function is called to initiate MLME-SET.request service and have it placed in MLME_SAP queue and for set PIB attributes. | Asynchronous |
13 | WPAN_MLME_RxEnableReq(bool DeferPermit, uint32_t RxOnTime, uint32_t RxOnDuration) | This function is called to initiate MLME-RX-ENABLE.request service and have it placed in the MLME-SAP queue. | Asynchronous |
14 | WPAN_MLME_ScanReq(uint8_t ScanType, uint32_t ScanChannels, uint8_t ScanDuration, uint8_t ChannelPage) | This function is called to initiate MLME-SCAN.request service and have it placed in the MLME-SAP queue. | Asynchronous |
15 | WPAN_MLME_StartReq(uint16_t PANId, uint8_t LogicalChannel, uint8_t ChannelPage, uint8_t BeaconOrder, uint8_t SuperframeOrder, bool PANCoordinator, bool BatteryLifeExtension, bool CoordRealignment) | This function is called to initiate MLME-START service and have it placed in the MLME-SAP queue | Asynchronous |
16 | USR_MCPS_DataConf(uint8_t msduHandle, uint8_t status) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MCPS-DATA.confirm | NA |
17 | USR_MCPS_DataInd(WPAN_AddrSpec_t * SrcAddrSpec, WPAN_AddrSpec_t * DstAddrSpec,uint8_t msduLength, uint8_t * msdu,uint8_t mpduLinkQuality, uint8_t DSN, uint32_t Timestamp, uint8_t SecurityLevel, uint8_t KeyIdMode, uint8_t KeyIndex) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MCPS-DATA.indication | NA |
18 | USR_MCPS_PurgeConf(uint8_t msduHandle, uint8_t status) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MCPS-PURGE.confirm (handle of MSDU to be purged and status of requested purge operation) | NA |
19 | USR_MLME_AssociateConf(uint16_t AssocShortAddress, uint8_t status) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-ASSOCIATE.confirm (association status and allocated short address by coordinator) | NA |
20 | USR_MLME_AssociateInd(uint64_t DeviceAddress, uint8_t CapabilityInformation) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-ASSOCIATE.indication (extended address of device requesting and capabilities of device requesting association) | NA |
21 | USR_MLME_BeaconNotifyInd(uint8_t BSN, WPAN_Pandescriptor_t *PANDescriptor, uint8_t PendAddrSpec, uint8_t *AddrList, uint8_t sduLength, uint8_t *sdu) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-BEACON-NOTIFY.indication | NA |
22 | USR_MLME_CommStatusInd(WPAN_AddrSpec_t *SrcAddrSpec, WPAN_AddrSpec_t *DstAddrSpec, uint8_t status) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-COMM-STATUS.indication | NA |
23 | USR_MLME_DisassociateConf(uint8_t status, WPAN_AddrSpec_t *DeviceAddrSpec) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-DISASSOCIATE.confirm (status of requested disassociate operation and DeviceAddrSpec Pointer to WPAN_AddrSpec_t structure for device that has either requested disassociation or been instructed to disassociate by its coordinator) | NA |
24 | USR_MLME_DisassociateInd(uint64_t DeviceAddress, uint8_t DisassociateReason) | User call back function for MLME-DISASSOCIATE.indication (extended address of device which initiated the disassociation request and Reason for the disassociation) | NA |
25 | USR_MLME_GetConf(uint8_t status,uint8_t PIBAttribute, uint8_t PIBAttributeIndex, void *PIBAttributeValue) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-GET.confirm (status of requested PIB attribute get operation and retrieved PIB attribute and values) | NA |
26 | USR_MLME_OrphanInd(uint64_t OrphanAddress) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-ORPHAN.indication (address of orphaned device) | NA |
27 | USR_MLME_PollConf(uint8_t status) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-POLL.confirm (result of requested poll operation) | NA |
28 | USR_MLME_ResetConf(uint8_t status) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-RESET.confirm (result of requested reset operation) | NA |
29 | USR_MLME_RxEnableConf(uint8_t status) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-RX-ENABLE.confirm (result of requested receiver enable operation) | NA |
30 | USR_MLME_ScanConf(uint8_t status, uint8_t ScanType, uint8_t ChannelPage, uint32_t UnscannedChannels, uint8_t ResultListSize, void *ResultList) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-SCAN.confirm | |
31 | USR_MLME_SetConf(uint8_t status, uint8_t PIBAttribute) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-SET.confirm (result of requested PIB attribute set operation and updated PIB attribute) | NA |
32 | USR_MLME_StartConf(uint8_t status) | Callback function that must be implemented by application (NHLE) for MAC service MLME-START.confirm (result of requested start operation) | NA |
33 | MAC_ReadyToSleep() | This function is used to check the MAC layer for its status before Device going to sleep. This function verifies the MAC internal queues for the pending request/indication to process and returns the status. | Asynchronous |
34 | MAC_Wakeup() | This function implements the post sleep functionalities. If device is going to Deep sleep, then this function must be called after device wakeup routine to retrieve the Retention RAM parameters to system RAM | Asynchronous |