4 Failure Analysis

The following procedure can be applied in case of failure analysis.

  • Perform a visual inspection on the SAM9X60D1G-I/LZB module and check the pads soldering.
  • Connect the module to the USB and debug UART interfaces. See How to Configure the Communication Interface.
  • Power-supply the module.1.
  • Perform Power-On action.
    • "RomBOOT" appears on the debug UART console.
    • The USB device is mounted as a “USB Serial Device”2.
  • Measure voltages on the SAM9X60D1G-I/LZB3:
    • VDD_3V3 @ 3.3V ± 2%
    • VDDIOM @ 1.8V ± 2%
    • VDDCORE @ 1.15V ± 2%
  • Verify the SAM9X60 microcontroller version.
  • Verify the 24-MHz clock input.
  • Verify the 32-kHz crystal.
  • Verify the DDR2 memory.
  • Verify the NAND Flash memory.
  • Verify the EEPROM memory.
  • Verify any PIO.
  • Run on Linux and perform other tests.
  1. Important: the system must not boot on an external memory before the module is powered up. For more details, see Embedded Software Prerequisites.
  2. If the device is not recognized by the operating system, the system driver must be updated. See Updating the Windows Driver.
  3. To perform PMIC voltage measurements, refer to the figure below.