31.2 USART Features

  • Full-duplex operation
  • Asynchronous (with clock reconstruction) or synchronous operation
  • Internal or external clock source for asynchronous and synchronous operation
  • Baud-rate generator
  • Supports serial frames with 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 data bits and 1 or 2 stop bits
  • Odd or even parity generation and parity check
  • Selectable LSB- or MSB-first data transfer
  • Buffer overflow and frame error detection
  • Noise filtering, including false start-bit detection and digital low-pass filter
  • Collision detection
  • Can operate in all sleep modes
  • Operation at speeds up to half the system clock for internally generated clocks
  • Operation at speeds up to the system clock for externally generated clocks
  • RTS and CTS flow control
  • IrDA modulation and demodulation up to 115.2kbps
  • LIN Host support
  • LIN Client support
    • Auto-baud and break character detection
  • RS485 Support
  • Start-of-frame detection
  • Can work with DMA