36.1 Overview

The device provides three instances of the Timer/Counter for Control applications (TCC) peripheral, TCC[2:0].

Each TCC instance consists of a counter, a prescaler, compare/capture channels and control logic. The counter can be set to count events or clock pulses. The counter together with the compare/capture channels can be configured to time stamp input events, allowing capture of frequency and pulse-width. It can also perform waveform generation, such as frequency generation and pulse-width modulation.

Waveform extensions are featured for motor control, ballast, LED, H-bridge, power converters, and other types of power control applications. They allow for low-side and high-side output with optional dead-time insertion. Waveform extensions can also generate a synchronized bit pattern across the waveform output pins. The fault options enable fault protection for safe and deterministic handling, disabling and/or shut down of external drivers.

Figure 36-1 shows all features in TCC.

Note: The TCC configurations, such as channel numbers and features, may be reduced for some of the TCC instances.