20.6.9 Synchronization


Due to the multiple clock domains, values in the OSC48M control registers need to be synchronized to other clock domains.

When executing an operation that requires synchronization, the relevant synchronization bit in the Synchronization Busy register (OSC48MSYNCBUSY) will be set immediately, and cleared when synchronization is complete.

The following registers need synchronization when written:
  • OSC48M Divider register (OSC48MDIV)


Due to the multiple clock domains, some registers in the DPLL96M must be synchronized when accessed.

When executing an operation that requires synchronization, the relevant synchronization bit in the Synchronization Busy register (DPLLSYNCBUSY) will be set immediately, and cleared when synchronization is complete.

The following bits need synchronization when written:
  • Enable bit in control register A (DPLLCTRLA.ENABLE)
  • DPLL Ratio register (DPLLRATIO)
  • DPLL Prescaler register (DPLLPRESC)