40.2 Features

  • Four individual comparators
  • Selectable propagation delay versus current consumption
  • Hysteresis: On or Off
  • Analog comparator outputs available on pins
    • Asynchronous or synchronous
  • Flexible input selection:
    • Four pins selectable for positive or negative inputs
    • Ground (for zero crossing)
    • INTREF reference voltage, supplied by the bandgap
    • 64-level programmable VDD scaler per comparator
    • DAC (if available)
  • Interrupt generation on:
    • Rising or falling edge
    • Toggle
    • End of comparison
  • Window function interrupt generation on:
    • Signal above window
    • Signal inside window
    • Signal below window
    • Signal outside window
  • Event generation on:
    • Comparator output
    • Window function inside/outside window
  • Optional digital filter on comparator output
  • Low-power option
    • Single-shot support