5 Persistent Memory

A persistent memory space is allocated to store product specific information. The persistent memory is organized as follows:

Table 5-1. Persistent Memory
DataData TypeSize
Structure Revisionuint 162 bytes
MAC addressuint 648 bytes
Board information – PCBA NameASCII string(1) 30 bytes
Board information – PCBA Serial numberASCII string(1)10 bytes
Board information – PCBA Atmel Part NumberASCII string(1)8 bytes
Board information – PCBA Revisionuint 81 byte
Reserved3 bytes
XTAL Calibration Valueuint 81 byte
Reserved7 bytes
Reserved4 bytes
CRCuint 162 bytes
  1. '\0' terminated ASCII string.

The MAC address stored inside the MCU is a uniquely assigned ID for each kit and is owned by Atmel. User applications can use this unique MAC ID to address the kit.