7 Revision History

Doc. Rev.DateComments
  1. Added the section Drive Strength.
  2. Updated the section Crystal Recommendations with new crystals.
  1. General review of the application note text.
  2. Corrected Equation 1-5.
  3. Updated section Crystal Recommendations with new AVR devices and crystals.
  1. Corrected Table 5-1.
  2. Corrected cross references.
  1. Converted to Microchip format and replaced the Atmel document number 8333.
  2. Added support for tinyAVR 0- and 1-series.
  1. Changed XMEGA clock output from PD7 to PC7.
  2. XMEGA B added.
8333D072011Recommendation list updated.
8333C02/2011Recommendation list updated.
8333B11/2010Several updates and corrections.
8333A08/2010Initial document revision.