3.3 Test Application Project Settings

  • Preprocessor Macro Definitions:
    • ROM-ORIGIN and ROM_LENGTH are the XC32 linker variables which will be overridden with values provided here.
    • Application start address value is auto populated in the linker script with the value of the application start address provided in the MCC (bootloader linker script) after regeneration.
  • Additional Options:
    • RAM_ORIGIN and RAM_LENGTH values must be provided by reserving 16 bytes of start of RAM to trigger the bootloader from the firmware.
    • This is optional and can be ignored if not required to soft trigger the bootloader.
    Custom linker options: -DRAM_ORIGIN=0x20000010, -DRAM_LENGTH=0x3fff0
Figure 3-5. Test Application Project Settings
  • Execute the line after Build:
    • This option can be used to automatically generate the binary file from the Hex file after the build is complete.
    Custom linker options: “${MP_CC_DIR}/xc32-objcopy -I ihex -O binary ${DISTDIR}/${PROJECTNAME}.${IMAGE_TYPE}.hex ${DISTDIR}/${PROJECTNAME}.${IMAGE_TYPE}.bin”
Figure 3-6. Test Application Binary Generation Settings