2.1.2 Find MDB Documentation

The MDB supporting documentation are automatically installed with the MPLAB X IDE. There are several ways to access MDB documentation:
  1. After invoking the MDB (see 2.2.2 Invoking the MDB), type help doc. This command displays the instructions on where to locate MDB documentation.The help found here is provided in a command line prompt screen. For more extensive help, refer to the online help located at onlinedocs.microchip.com/ where you can search for “Microchip Debugger.”
  2. A PDF of the MDB User's Guide can be found on the MPLAB X IDE web page www.microchip.com/en-us/development-tools-tools-and-software/mplab-x-ide, under the Documentation tab.
  3. View latest release notes for the MDB in the docs folder under the latest installed version of MPLAB X IDE, e.g., C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLABX\<version>\docs.