1.3.2 Binary to C Array script help
This document describes the usage of btl_bin_to_c_array.py host script
Path of the tool in bootloader repository is tools/btl_bin_to_c_array.py
Setting up the Host PC
The Script is compatible with Python 3.x and higher
This script should be used to convert the binary file to a C style array containing Hex output that can be directly included in target application code
It is mainly used when programming the application using the host_app_nvm application in I2C Bootloader
If size of the input binary file is not aligned to device erase boundary it appends 0xFF to the binary to make it aligned and then generates the Hex output
User must specify the binary file to convert (-b), hex output file (-o) and the device (-d)
Usage Examples
Below is the syntax to show help menu for the script
python <harmony3_path>/bootloader/tools/btl_bin_to_c_array.py --help
Below is the syntax and an example on how to convert the binary file to a C style array containing Hex output
python <harmony3_path>/bootloader/tools/btl_bin_to_c_array.py -b <binary_file> -o <hex_file> -d <device>
python <harmony3_path>/bootloader/tools/btl_bin_to_c_array.py -b <harmony3_path>/bootloader_apps_i2c/apps/i2c_bootloader/test_app/firmware/sam_d20_xpro.X/dist/sam_d20_xpro/production/sam_d20_xpro.X.production.bin -o <harmony3_path>/bootloader_apps_i2c/apps/i2c_bootloader/host_app_nvm/firmware/src/test_app_images/image_pattern_hex_sam_d20_xpro.h -d samd2x