11 Command-Line Utility (CLI)

Microchip Studio comes with a command-line software utility called atprogram.exe.


You can start a command shell with the PATH set up to run the atprogram by clicking on Start > All Programs > Microchip Studio > Microchip Studio Command Prompt, as shown in the figure below.

atprogram.exe can be used to:

  • Program a .bin, .hex, or .elf file to a device
  • Verify that the programming was correct
  • Read, write and erase the device memories
  • Program fuses, lock bits, security bits, user page, and user signature
  • Program a production file to a device1
  • List out all connected tools
  • Set interface and interface clock speeds

To get help on how to use the utility, execute: atprogram.exe.

This will print out the atprogram CLI help text on stdout.


The ELF production file format can hold the contents of both Flash, EEPROM, and User Signatures (XMEGA devices only) as well as the Fuse- LockBit configuration in one single file. The format is based on the Executable and Linkable Format (ELF).

The production file format currently supports tinyAVR, megaAVR, and XMEGA. See Creating ELF Files with Other Memory Types for a description on how to configure the project to generate such files.