2 Getting Started

Getting started with Microchip Studio - playlist. Note that Atmel Studio is renamed Microchip Studio.


Use the editor and simulator to complete most of the training. However, to cover everything, the following is recommended.

Hardware prerequisites:
  • ATtiny817 Xplained Pro
  • Standard-A to Micro-B USB cable
Software prerequisites:
  • Microchip Studio for AVR and SAM Devices
  • avr-gcc toolchain
  • Latest Part Pack for tinyAVR® devices
Microchip Studio plugins used:
  • Atmel START or later
  • Data Visualizer Extension 2.14.709 or later

Icon Key Identifiers

The following icons are used in this document to identify different assignment sections and to reduce complexity.

Info: Delivers contextual information about a specific topic.
Tip: Highlights useful tips and techniques.
Attention: Highlights matters needing extra attention.
Todo: Highlights objectives to be completed.
Result: Highlights the expected result of an assignment step.
Warning: Indicates important information.