6.1 First Start-Up

The motor will start without issues if a 24V supply voltage is provided and the default values are used.

However, the number of the pole pairs of the used motor may be different from the one used in the default configuration. If this is the case, normal behavior is exhibited, but the RPM seen in the MPLAB Data Visualizer will have an incorrect value.

To fix this issue, two fields in the AVR_Dx_tuning_params.xslm excel file need to be modified:

  • Motor pole pairs: Change according to the used motor
  • Target RPM: Change according to the formula:
    • N e w R P M = N e w P o l e P a i r s * O l d R P M / O l d P o l e P a i r s
    • Round the number to the nearest integer

If the results are in order and the motor response is correct, then tuning is not necessary.