
Author: Alin Stoicescu, Microchip Technology Inc.

This technical brief provides information about Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on tinyAVR® 0- and 1-series, megaAVR® 0-series, and AVR® DA devices, and intends to familiarize the user with AVR microcontrollers. The document describes the application area, the modes of operation, and the hardware and software requirements of the SPI.

Throughout the document, the configuration of the peripheral will be described in detail, starting with the location of the SPI pins, the direction of the pins, how to initialize the device as a host or a client, and how to exchange data inside the system. This document covers the following use cases:

Note: For each use case described in this document, there are two code examples: One bare metal developed on ATmega4809, and one generated with MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) developed on AVR128DA48.