1.4.3 Credentials

When interacting with external resources like a git repository, various credentials will often be required to authenticate and authorize the build system. Jenkins credentials are handled by the credentials manager, and can be provided when a new server is created.

cicdw jenkins-server create --credentials [TYPE::]ID::USERNAME[::PASSWORD][::KEYFILE] ...

There are two types of credentials, usr_pwd or sshkey.

usr_pwd is the default, so the parameter --credentials my_id::my_username::my_password will be interpreted as TYPE=usr_pwd, ID=my_id, USERNAME=my_username, PASSWORD=my_password.

For the type sshkey, the fourth element will be interpreted as the path to a keyfile if only four elements are provided. With five elements, the fourth will be interpreted as a password for the keyfile, and the fifth as the path to the keyfile.

One or more credential parameters can be listed after the --credentials flag.