Test Image Locally

The dockerfile makes it easy to create and test a docker image locally. If you do not have Docker installed locally, you can get it from www.docker.com.

Commands to build and run your image:

# Build an image based on the generated Dockerfile
docker build --tag mplabx-env --file Dockerfile .

# Check that the 'mplabx-env' image was created 
docker images

# Start a docker container in interactive mode and map MPLAB X project source
docker run -it -v PATH_TO_MY_PROJECT_HERE:/usr/src/project mplabx-env bash

Once you have a started the container, you can run the following commands to build your mapped MPLAB X IDE project:

# Navigate to the mapped MPLAB X project
cd /usr/src/project

# Generate Makefiles
prjMakefilesGenerator .

# Build project

# List files generated in the dist folder
find dist