SPI Slave Programming Using External Microprocessor

An external microprocessor (such as a host PC or another Microchip FPGA) can be used to program the device through the dedicated SPI port, as shown in the following figure. This type of programming requires that the external microprocessor run the Microchip SPI-DirectC solution. The external microprocessor can also control the SPI_EN, IO_CNF_INTF, and DEVRST_N pins to program the device.

SPI-DirectC supports programming of the FPGA fabric, sNVM, and user security settings. SPI-DirectC is used by adding the necessary APIs and compiling the source code to create a binary executable. The binary executable is downloaded to the external microprocessor along with the programming data file. For more information, see the latest version of the SPI-DirectC User Guide available on the Microchip DirectC solution webpage. The example project (Direct-C installer) is also available on the Downloads tab.

For information about FlashPro header signals, see Table 1.

Figure 1. SPI Slave Programming Using External Microprocessor