5.3 Connecting to a PDI Target

The pinout for the 6-pin PDI connector is shown in Figure 6-6.

Be sure to use the correct orientation of the 6-pin header when connecting the Atmel AVR ONE! to the target application PCB. The stand-off adapters (provided) can be used to connect the AVR ONE! probe to both 100-mil and 50-mil target application connectors.

When connecting to a target that does not have the standard 6-pin header, you can use the squid cable between the AVR ONE! 10-pin JTAG connector on the probe and the target board.4 connections are required, and the table below describes where to connect them.

Note: There is a difference from the JTAGICE mkII JTAG probe, where PDI_DATA is connected to pin 9.
Table 5-2. Connecting to PDI using the Squid Cable
AVR ONE! JTAG probe Target pins Squid cable colors Atmel STK600 PDI pinout
Pin 1 (TCK)Black
Pin 2 (GND)GNDWhite6
Pin 3 (TDO)PDI_DATAGrey1
Pin 4 (VTref)VTrefPurple2
Pin 5 (TMS)Blue
Pin 6 (nSRST)PDI_CLKGreen5
Pin 7 (Not connected)Yellow
Pin 8 (nTRST)Orange
Pin 9 (TDI)Red
Pin 10 (GND)Brown