3.1 ATA8352 UWB Demo Kit – Variant A

The ATA8352 UWB demo kit variant A uses two ATSAMC21-XPRO boards, one for the Verifier node and one for the Prover node to control the operation of the ATA8352 UWB device. The following figure shows the components and the assembly. All boards are pre-programmed and start the demo application by applying power to the boards.
Figure 3-1. ATA8352 UWB Demo Kit Variant A with ATA8352 UWB Xplained Pro Extension Board
The following components are used for the Verifier and the Prover nodes:
  • Verifier Node:
    • One ATSAMC21-XPRO board
    • One ATOLED1 Xplained Pro
    • One UWB Xplained Pro Extension board with ATA8352 module
    • One UWB PCB antenna with SMA connector
    • One USB cable for 5V USB supply and for connection to a PC with Microchip Studio 7
  • Prover Node:
    • One ATSAMC21-XPRO board
    • One UWB Xplained Pro Extension board with ATA8352 module
    • One UWB PCB antenna with SMA connector
    • One USB cable for 5V USB supply and for connection to a PC with Microchip Studio 7

The TDoA and DS-TWR demo applications are running on the same ATA8352 demo kit but with two ATA8352 modules populated on the UWB Xplained Pro Extension board. One node is used as Tag node and the other node is the Anchor node, as shown in the following figure. The demo applications are developed using Microchip Studio 7 for the ATSAMC21-XPRO board. Connect both nodes to the PC with a USB cable. The PC terminal application uses a virtual COM port connection to log the measurement data.

For the COM port connection, use the following settings:
  • Data rate – 115.2 Kbaud
  • 8-bit data
  • no parity
  • 1 stop bit
Figure 3-2. ATA8352 UWB Module Variant A for TDoA Mode and ATA8352 UWB Xplained Pro Extension Board
The following components are used for the Anchor node and the Tag node:
  • Anchor Node:
    • One ATSAMC21-XPRO board
    • One ATOLED1 Xplained Pro
    • One UWB Xplained Pro Extension board with two ATA8352 Module
    • One UWB antenna with SMA connector
    • One USB cable for 5V USB supply and for connection to a PC with Microchip Studio 7
  • Tag Node
    • One ATSAMC21-XPRO board
    • One UWB Xplained Pro Extension board with one ATA8352 Module
    • Two UWB antenna with SMA connector
    • One USB cable for 5V USB supply and for connection to a PC with Microchip Studio 7