6.4.1 Implementation-defined Error Conditions

The following are error condition macros in addition to those specified by the C language specification that might be assigned to errno by the Microchip Unified Standard Library. They expand to positive integer constant expressions with type int, suitable for use in #if preprocessing directives

Table 6-1. Implementation-defined error condition macros
MacroError condition
E2BIGArgument list too long
EACCESPermission denied
EADDRINUSEAddress already in use
EADDRNOTAVAILAddress not available
EADVAdvertise error
EAFNOSUPPORTAddress family not supported by protocol family
EAGAINNo more processes
EALREADYSocket already connected
EBADEInvalid exchange
EBADFBad file number
EBADFDFile descriptor invalid for this operation
EBADMSGBad message
EBADRInvalid request descriptor
EBADRQCInvalid request code
EBADSLTInvalid slot
EBFONTBad font file fmt
EBUSYDevice or resource busy
ECANCELEDOperation canceled
ECHILDNo children
ECHRNGChannel number out of range
ECOMMCommunication error on send
ECONNABORTEDSoftware caused connection abort
ECONNREFUSEDConnection refused
ECONNRESETConnection reset by peer
EDEADLOCKFile locking deadlock error
EDESTADDRREQDestination address required
EDOTDOTCross mount point (not really error)
EDQUOTDisc quota exceeded
EEXISTFile exists
EFAULTBad address
EFBIGFile too large
EHOSTDOWNHost is down
EHOSTUNREACHHost is unreachable
EHWPOISONMemory page has hardware error
EIDRMIdentifier removed
EINPROGRESSConnection already in progress
EINTRInterrupted system call
EINVALInvalid argument
EIOI/O error
EISCONNSocket is already connected
EISDIRIs a directory
EISNAMIs a named type file
EKEYEXPIREDKey has expired
EKEYREJECTEDKey was rejected by service
EKEYREVOKEDKey has been revoked
EL2HLTLevel 2 halted
EL2NSYNCLevel 2 not synchronized
EL3HLTLevel 3 halted
EL3RSTLevel 3 reset
ELIBACCCan't access a needed shared lib
ELIBBADAccessing a corrupted shared lib
ELIBEXECAttempting to exec a shared library
ELIBMAXAttempting to link in too many libs
ELIBSCN.lib section in a.out corrupted
ELNRNGLink number out of range
ELOOPToo many symbolic links
EL3RSTLevel 3 reset
EMEDIUMTYPEWrong medium type
EMFILEFile descriptor value too large
EMLINKToo many links
EMSGSIZEMessage too long
EMULTIHOPMultihop attempted
ENAMETOOLONGFile or path name too long
ENAVAILNo XENIX semaphores available
ENETDOWNNetwork interface is not configured
ENETRESETConnection aborted by network
ENETUNREACHNetwork is unreachable
ENFILEToo many open files in system
ENOANONo anode
ENOBUFSNo buffer space available
ENOCSINo CSI structure available
ENODATANo data (for no delay io)
ENODEVNo such device
ENOENTNo such file or directory
ENOEXECExec format error
ENOKEYRequired key not available
ENOLINKVirtual circuit is gone
ENOMEDIUMNo medium found
ENOMEMNot enough space
ENOMSGNo message of desired type
ENONETMachine is not on the network
ENOPKGPackage not installed
ENOPROTOOPTProtocol not available
ENOSPCNo space left on device
ENOSRNo stream resources
ENOSTRNot a stream
ENOSYSFunction not implemented
ENOTBLKBlock device required
ENOTCONNSocket is not connected
ENOTDIRNot a directory
ENOTEMPTYDirectory not empty
ENOTNAMNot a XENIX named type file
ENOTRECOVERABLEState not recoverable
ENOTSOCKSocket operation on non-socket
ENOTSUPNot supported
ENOTTYNot a character device
ENOTUNIQGiven log. name not unique
ENXIONo such device or address
EOPNOTSUPPOperation not supported on socket
EOVERFLOWValue too large for defined data type
EOWNERDEADPrevious owner died
EPERMNot owner
EPFNOSUPPORTProtocol family not supported
EPIPEBroken pipe
EPROTOProtocol error
EPROTOTYPEProtocol wrong type for socket
EREMCHGRemote address changed
EREMOTEThe object is remote
EREMOTEIORemote I/O error
ERESTARTInterrupted system call should be restarted
ERFKILLOperation not possible due to RF-kill
EROFSRead-only file system
ESHUTDOWNCan't send after socket shutdown
ESOCKTNOSUPPORTSocket type not supported
ESPIPEIllegal seek
ESRCHNo such process
ESRMNTSrmount error
ESTALEStale file handle
ESTRPIPEStreams pipe error
ETIMEStream ioctl timeout
ETIMEDOUTConnection timed out
ETOOMANYREFSToo many references: cannot splice
ETXTBSYText file busy
EUCLEANStructure needs cleaning
EUNATCHProtocol driver not attached
EUSERSToo many users
EWOULDBLOCKOperation would block
EXDEVCross-device link
EXFULLExchange full