5.3 Symmetric Cryptography Commands

The Symmetric Cryptography command set is made of up of those commands associated with the generation or use of symmetric keys. Keys are typically stored in Data zone slots, but for some commands, keys could also be generated and stored in some SRAM memory locations.

Table 5-56. Symmetric Cryptography Commands
Command NameOpcodeDescription
AES0x51Execute the AES-ECB Encrypt or Decrypt functions. Calculate a Galois Field Multiply.
CheckMac0x28Verify a MAC calculated on another CryptoAuthentication device.
DeriveKey0x1CDerive a target key value from the target or parent key.
GenDig0x15Generate a data digest from a random or input seed and a stored value.
KDF0x56Implement the PRF, AES or HKDF key derivation functions
MAC0x08Calculate digest (response) from key and other internal data using SHA-256.