5.1 General Device Commands

The following table provides a summary of the general device commands:
Table 5-2. General Device Commands
Command NameOpcodeDescription
Counter0x24Increments and reads the monotonic counters.
Info0x30Used to read revision and status information from the device.
Lock0x17Used to lock the individual lockable slots in the device.
Nonce0x16Used to generate or pass a number used once into the device.
Random0x1BUsed to generate a 32-byte random number used by the system.
Read0x02Used to read various zones of the device.
SelfTest0x77Tests the various internal cryptographic computation elements.
SHA0x47Computes a SHA-256 or HMAC digest for general purpose use by the system.
UpdateExtra0x20Updates bytes 84 or 85 within the Configuration zone after the Configuration zone is locked.
Write0x12Used to write 4 or 32 bytes to the device, with or without authentication and encryption.