- WBZ451PE Bluetooth Low Energy and Zigbee RF Module
- USB or Li-Po Battery Powered
- On-board Programmer/Debug Circuit using PKoB4 based on Microchip SAME70 MCU
- Microchip MCP73871 Li-Ion/LiPo Battery Charger with Power Path Management
- On-board USB to UART Serial Converter with Hardware Flow Control based on Microchip MCP2200
- mikroBUS Socket to Expand Functionality using MikroElectronika Click Adapter Boards
- RGB LED Connected to Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
- One Reset Switch
- One User Configurable Switch
- One User LED
- 32.768 kHz Crystal
- Microchip SST26VF064B, 64-Mbit External QSPI Flash Memory
- Microchip MCP9700A, Low Power Analog Voltage Temperature Sensor
- 10-pin ARM Serial Wire Debug (SWD) Header for External Programmer/Debugger
For more details, refer to Hardware.