7.2.2 IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Wireless Project Wizard
MAC Wireless Projects that were created using the wizard in Atmel Studio v6.2 may not compile properly in Atmel Studio v7.0. Re-create those projects.
MAC Wireless Project creation for ATmega devices using Wireless Composer v7.0.103 or earlier crashes the studio. Install latest version of Wireless Composer 7.0.129.
Project Wizard shows additional pins (for SPI configuration) for SAM4L*A and SAM4L*B devices. Refer to datasheet for valid pins to be selected.
Error rate for 57600 and 115200bps baud rates for USART in megaAVR RF devices is high
Compiler warnings are expected while generating projects for SAM4L devices
Promiscuous sniffer mode option is not supported for AT86RF230B, selecting it may result in compilation error
Wizard may allow selection of same pins for USART and SPI configuration. Make sure to select unique/different pins for USART and SPI configuration in the wizard.