Digital Peripherals

  • Two Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) Modules:
    • 16-bit resolution for Capture/Compare modes
    • 10-bit resolution for PWM mode
  • Up to Four Pulse-Width Modulators (PWM):
    • 16-bit resolution
    • Independent pulse outputs
    • ERS inputs
  • Four Configurable Logic Cells (CLC):
    • Integrated combinational and sequential logic
  • One Complimentary Waveform Generator (CWG):
    • Rising and falling edge dead-band control
    • Full-bridge, half-bridge, 1-channel drive
    • Multiple signal sources
    • Programmable dead band
    • Fault-shutdown input
  • One Configurable 8/16-Bit Timer (TMR0)
  • Two 16-Bit Timers (TMR1/3) with Gate Control
  • Up to Three 8-Bit Timers (TMR2/4/6) with Hardware Limit Timer (HLT)
  • One Numerically Controlled Oscillator
    • Generates true linear frequency control and increased frequency resolution
    • Input clock up to 64 MHz
  • Programmable CRC with Memory Scan:
    • Reliable data/program memory monitoring for Fail-Safe operation (e.g., Class B)
    • Calculate 32-bit CRC over any portion of Program Flash Memory
  • Two Enhanced Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitters (EUSART):
    • RS-232, RS-485, LIN compatible
    • Auto-wake-up on Start
  • Two Host Synchronous Serial Ports (MSSP):
    • Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) mode
      • Chip Select Synchronization
    • Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) mode
      • 7/10-bit Addressing modes
  • Peripheral Pin Select (PPS):
    • Enables pin mapping of digital I/O
  • Device I/O Port Features:
    • Up to 35 I/O pins
    • One input-only pin
    • Individual I/O direction, open-drain, input threshold, slew rate and weak pull-up control
    • Interrupt-on-Change (IOC) on up to 25 pins
    • One External Interrupt pin