enum diag_sram_march_mode_t
Enumeration used as input parameter to DIAG_SRAM_MarchCMinus() for cases where it tests the entire SRAM at start-up, or only a part of it.
0x7EU - Assumes compliance with AoU-SRAM_MARCH_TEST-01 to AoU-SRAM_MARCH_TEST-06 in Assumption of Use. The return address is backed up from stack and restored when the test is complete to be able to return from the function while all data in the SRAM used by the application (defined by DIAG_SRAM_DATA_REGION_LEN) is overwritten. |
0xBDU - Only a part of the SRAM is tested. In this mode, it is assumed that any backup and restoration of the data residing in the area under test is handled by the caller, if required. |