7.5.1 Functions
diag_result_t __nopa DIAG_SRAM_MarchCMinus (register volatile uint8_t *startAddress, register uint16_t length, register diag_sram_march_mode_t mode)
Software Requirement Reference ID : SW_SRAM_MARCH_TEST_01
Implements the March C- algorithm, converted to a Word-Oriented Memory (WOM) test. See the Word-Oriented Memory Conversion section for a full explanation of how the March algorithm works. See the Assumption of Use section for a list of all the AoUs for this API.diag_result_t DIAG_SRAM_MarchGetStartupResult (void)
Returns the result of DIAG_SRAM_MarchCMinus() diagnostic when called with the SRAM_MARCH_STARTUP mode as the input parameter. This API is intended to be called from the main() function after executing DIAG_SRAM_MarchStartup() in the start-up code.