10 Document Revision History

Revision A (May 2020)

  • Initial release of this document.

Revision B (January 2021)

  • Duplication of and updates to interrupt example code.
  • Change of device and addition of configuration bits to Mid-range examples.
  • Corrected operator used with banking examples.
  • Added MPLAB X IDE text for building and screen captures for project property settings.
  • Minor code and text corrections and improvements.

Revision C (June 2022)

  • Added new chapter for Baseline devices, highlighting entry ranges in linker classes.
  • Quoted configuration bit directives in code examples, which is now possible with the latest assembler release.
  • Added information relating to the new linker option that performs automatic truncation of instruction operands.
  • Corrected reloc value specified in the code example for PIC18 devices using vectored interrupts.
  • Numerous but minor text improvements and clarifications.