7 Interrupts and Bits Example For Mid-range Devices

The following example code is written for a PIC16F18446 and will execute on the Curiosity Nano board using that device. Much of this example is also applicable for other devices. The code initializes timer 0 to generate an interrupt every 500 mS, toggling the on-board LED (connected to port bit RA2) with each event.

Note: This code example performs manual masking of instruction operand addresses to avoid fixup overflow errors. You can alternatively have the linker automatically truncate operand values when building, as discussed in Working with Data Banks, so that the BANKMASK() and PAGEMASK() macros used in this example are not required.

An Example of Interrupts and Bits

 * Blink the LED on a PIC16F18446 Curiosity Nano Board
 * using the timer and interrupts to control the flash period.
#include <xc.inc>

CONFIG "FEXTOSC = OFF"       // External Oscillator  not enabled
CONFIG "RSTOSC = HFINT1"     // Power-up default value for COSC->HFINTOSC (1MHz)
CONFIG "CLKOUTEN = OFF"      // Clock Out Enable->CLKOUT function disabled
CONFIG "CSWEN = ON"          // Clock Switch Enable->Writing to NOSC & NDIV allowed
CONFIG "FCMEN = ON"          // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable->FSCM timer enabled

CONFIG "MCLRE = ON"          // Master Clear Enable->MCLR pin is Master Clear
CONFIG "PWRTS = OFF"         // Power-up Timer Enable bit->PWRT disabled
CONFIG "LPBOREN = OFF"       // Low-Power BOR enable bit->ULPBOR disabled
CONFIG "BOREN = ON"          // Brown-out reset enable->Enabled, SBOREN bit ignored
CONFIG "BORV = LO"           // Brown-out Reset Voltage Selection->VBOR set to 2.45V
CONFIG "ZCDDIS = OFF"        // Zero-cross detect disable->Disabled at POR
CONFIG "PPS1WAY = ON"        // PPSLOCK cleared/set only once
CONFIG "STVREN = ON"         // Stack Over/Underflow will cause a reset

CONFIG "WDTCPS = WDTCPS_31"  // WDT Period Select->Divider 1:65536; software control
CONFIG "WDTE = OFF"          // WDT operating mode->WDT Disabled, SWDTEN is ignored
CONFIG "WDTCWS = WDTCWS_7"   // WDT Window always open (100%); software control
CONFIG "WDTCCS = SC"         // WDT input clock selector->Software Control

CONFIG "BBSIZE = BB512"      // Boot Block Size->512 words boot block size
CONFIG "BBEN = OFF"          // Boot Block Enable bit->Boot Block disabled
CONFIG "SAFEN = OFF"         // SAF Enable bit->SAF disabled
CONFIG "WRTAPP = OFF"        // Application Block not write protected
CONFIG "WRTB = OFF"          // Boot Block Write not write protected
CONFIG "WRTC = OFF"          // Configuration Register not write protected
CONFIG "WRTD = OFF"          // Data EEPROM not write protected
CONFIG "WRTSAF = OFF"        // Storage Area Flash not write protected
CONFIG "LVP = ON"            // Low Voltage Programming enabled

CONFIG "CP = OFF"            // UserNVM Program memory code protection->Disabled

GLOBAL resetVec,isr
GLOBAL LEDState             ;make this global so it is watchable when debugging

PSECT bitbss,bit,class=BANK1,space=1
    DS          1           ;a single bit used to hold the required LED state
PSECT resetVec,class=CODE,delta=2
    ljmp        start

PSECT isrVec,class=CODE,delta=2
    ;no context save required in software for this device
    PAGESEL     $           ;select this page for the following goto
    BANKSEL     PIE0        ;for TMR0IE and TMR0IF
    ;for timer interrupts, set the required LED state
    btfsc       TMR0IE
    btfss       TMR0IF
    goto        notTimerInt ;not a timer interrupt
    bcf         TMR0IF
    ;toggle the desired bit state
    movlw       1 shl (LEDState&7)
    BANKSEL     LEDState/8
    xorwf       BANKMASK(LEDState/8),f
    ;code to handle other interrupts could be added here
    ;no context restore required in software

PSECT code
    ;set up the state of the oscillator and peripherals with RA2 as a digital
    ;output driving the LED, assuming that other registers have not changed
    ;from their reset state
    movlw       0x33
    movwf       TRISA
    movlw       2
    movwf       OSCFRQ
    ;configure and start timer using interrupts
    movlw       0x89
    BANKSEL     T0CON1
    movwf       T0CON1
    movlw       0x1D
    movwf       TMR0H
    clrf        TMR0L
    BANKSEL     PIE0        ;for TMR0IE and TMR0IF
    bcf         TMR0IF
    bsf         TMR0IE
    movlw       0x80
    BANKSEL     T0CON0
    movwf       T0CON0	
    bsf         GIE
    bsf         PEIE
    ;copy the desired state to the LED port pin
    BANKSEL     LEDState/8
    btfss       BANKMASK(LEDState/8),LEDState&7
    goto        lightLED
    bsf         RA2         ;turn LED off
    goto        loop
    bcf         RA2         ;turn LED on
    goto        loop
    END         resetVec