True Random Number Generator (TRNG)
#define TRNG_API_H
@file @copyright Copyright (c) 2020 Silex Insight. All Rights reserved.
The TRNG uses the hardware to generate random number with a high level of entropy. It's intended to feed entropy into a DRBG.
Configuration parameters for the TRNG */
struct sx_trng_config {
FIFO level below which the module leaves the idle state to refill the FIFO
In numbers of 128-bit blocks.
Set to 0 to use default. unsigned int wakeup_level;
Number of clock cycles to wait before sampling data from the noise source
Set to 0 to use default. unsigned int init_wait;
Number of clock cycles to wait before stopping the rings after the FIFO is full.
Set to 0 to use default. unsigned int off_time_delay;
Clock divider for the frequency at which the outputs of the rings are sampled.
Set to 0 to sample at APB interface clock frequency. unsigned int sample_clock_div; };
TRNG initialization
typedef int (FUNC_SX_TRNG_INIT)(struct sx_trng ctx, const struct sx_trng_config config); #define SX_TRNG_INIT ((FUNC_SX_TRNG_INIT)((uint32_t )(API_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS + ATO_SX_TRNG_INIT)))
ctx TRNG context to be used in other operations
config pointer to optional configuration. NULL to use default. @return ::SX_OK @return ::SX_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_HW
Get random bytes
When this function returns ::SX_OK, \p size random bytes have been written to the \p dst memory location. If not enough random bytes are available, the function does not write any data to \p dst and returns ::SX_ERR_INSUFFICIENT.
ctx TRNG context to be used in other operations
dst Destination in memory to copy \p size bytes to
size length in bytes @return ::SX_OK @return ::SX_ERR_INSUFFICIENT @return ::SX_ERR_HARDWARE_FAILURE