Generic Clock Output on I/O Pins

Each Generator's output can be directed to a GCLK_IO pin. If the Output Enable bit in GENCTRL is '1' (GENCTRL.OE=1) and the Generator is enabled (GENCTRL.GENEN=1), the Generator requests its clock source and the GCLKGEN clock is output to a GCLK_IO pin. If GENCTRL.OE=0, GCLK_IO is set according to the Output Off Value bit. If the Output Off Value bit in GENCTRL (GENCTRL.OOV) is zero, the output clock will be low when generic clock generator is turned off. If GENCTRL.OOV=1, the output clock will be high when Generator is turned off.

In standby mode, if the clock is output (GENCTRL.OE=1), the clock on the GCLK_IO pin is frozen to the OOV value if the Run In Standby bit in GENCTRL (GENCTRL.RUNSTDBY) is zero. If GENCTRL.RUNSTDBY=1, the GCLKGEN clock is kept running and output to GCLK_IO.