17.2 Features

  • 0.4-32 MHz Crystal Oscillator (XOSC)
    • Tunable gain control
    • Programmable start-up time
    • Crystal or external input clock on XIN I/O
  • 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator (XOSC32K)
    • Automatic or manual gain control
    • Programmable start-up time
    • Crystal or external input clock on XIN32 I/O
  • 32.768 kHz High Accuracy Internal Oscillator (OSC32K)
    • Frequency fine tuning
    • Programmable start-up time
  • 32.768 kHz Ultra Low-Power Internal Oscillator (OSCULP32K)
    • Ultra low-power, always-on oscillator
    • Frequency fine tuning
    • Calibration value loaded from Flash Factory Calibration at Reset
  • 8 MHz Internal Oscillator (OSC8M)
    • Fast start-up
    • Output frequency fine tuning
    • 4/2/1 MHz divided output frequencies available
    • Calibration value loaded from Flash Factory Calibration at Reset
  • Digital Frequency Locked Loop (DFLL48M)
    • Internal oscillator with no external components
    • 48 MHz output frequency
    • Operates standalone as a high-frequency programmable oscillator in Open-Loop mode
    • Operates as an accurate frequency multiplier against a known frequency in Closed-Loop mode
  • Fractional Digital Phase-Locked Loop (FDPLL96M)
    • 48 MHz to 96 MHz output clock frequency
    • 32 kHz to 2 MHz input reference clock frequency range
    • Three possible sources for the reference clock
    • Adjustable proportional integral controller
    • Fractional part used to achieve 1/16th of reference clock step
  • 3.3V Brown-Out Detector (BOD33)
    • Programmable threshold
    • Low-power sampling mode of operation
    • Threshold value loaded from Flash User Calibration at start-up
    • Triggers Resets or interrupts
    • Hysteresis
  • Internal Voltage Regulator system (VREG)
    • Operating modes:
      • Normal mode
      • Low-power mode
    • With an internal non-configurable Brown-out Detector (BOD12)
  • Voltage Reference System (VREF)
    • Bandgap voltage generator with programmable calibration value
    • Temperature sensor
    • Bandgap calibration value loaded from Flash Factory Calibration at start-up