8.1 Initialize the ADC

In the Window Comparator configuration, the device detects if the ADC result is below or above a specific threshold value. This is useful when monitoring a signal that is required to be maintained inside a specific range or for signaling low battery/overcharge. The Window Comparator can be used in both Free-Running mode and Single Conversion mode.

The ADC Window Comparator uses the Config A setup explained in Hardware Configuration.

In this example, the Window Comparator is used in Free-Running mode. A monitored signal requires continuous sampling, and the Free-Running mode reduces the CPU load by not requiring a manual start for each conversion. For this example, a 0x100 threshold is set in the ADC0.WINLT register.

Figure 8-1. ADC-WINLT - Set Low Threshold

In the code snippet below, the WINDOW_CMP_LOW_TH_EXAMPLE macro is defined and set for 0x100 and provided as a low threshold for the Window Comparator:

#define WINDOW_CMP_LOW_TH_EXAMPLE    (0x100) 

The ADC Window Comparator mode is set in the ADC0.CTRLE register:

Figure 8-2. ADC0.CTRLE - Set Window Comparator Mode

The following line of code sets the threshold for results lower than WINLT:


If the ADC result is below the previously set threshold value, the WCMP bit in the ADC0.INTFLAGS register is set by the hardware, and it needs to be cleared by writing a ‘1’ to it or by reading the conversion result from the RES register.