2.3.2 Incorrect VDD Scaler Reference for AC_CMP0
AC_CMP0 is supposed to use a fixed VDD/2 reference when the VDD scaler option is used. But the observed reference voltage is not equal to VDD/2.
Work Around:
For A0, use the following equation to get the VScale for AC_CMP0.
VScale = VDDx(598.5/900)
If VDD is 3.3, then:
VScale = 3.3x598.5/900 = 2.1945V
This workaround is only applicable to A0 revision and does not work in A2 revision.
For A2, AC_CMP0 uses VDD/2.Affected Silicon Revisions
A0 | A2 | |||||
X |
A2 | |||||