1.5.1 Wi-Fi provisioning System Service Usage

The Wi-Fi Provisioning System Service povides below methods to configuring desired Wi-Fi SSID and related security credentials of the Home AP into the device.

Wi-Fi Provisioning Methods

Command line

MHC configuration menu for Command line(CLI):

  • Enable Check box "Command Line(CLI)" to include CLI Wi-Fi provisioning method.

  • After making configuration changes, generate the code.

  • Compile the project and load the image into device.

Wi-Fi Provisioning commands Details

wifiprovhelpWi-Fi Provision System Service help commandwifiprovhelp
wifiprov set <bootmode> <save config> <country code> <channel> <auto_connect> <authtype> <ssid_name> <psk_name>Set Wi-Fi Configuration for Station(STA) modewifiprov set 0 1 "GEN" 0 1 3 "DEMO_AP" "password"
wifiprowifiprov set <bootmode> <save config> <country code> <channel> <ssid_visibility> <authtype> <ssid_name> <psk_name>Set Wi-Fi Configuration for Access point(AP) modewifiprov set 1 1 "GEN" 1 1 3 "DEMO_SOFTAP" "password"
wifiprov getGet Wi-Fi Configurationwifiprov get

Wi-Fi Provisioning commands command parameters information,

ParameterSub Parameter
bootmode0 - Station(STA) mode.1- Access point(AP) mode.
save config0 - Do not save configuration in NVM(Program Flash Memory). 1- Save configuration in NVM .
country codecountry code configuration: GEN - General USA - North America EMEA - Europe CUST1,CUST2 - Customer custom regulatory configuration
ChannelIn Station mode value range from 0-13, 0 - select all the channels.1-13 - select specified channel. In Access point mode value range from 1-13.
auto connect(only applicable in STA mode)0 - Don't connect to AP, wait for client request.1 - Connect to AP.
ssid visibility (only applicable in AP mode)0 - Hidden SSID.1 - Broadcast SSID .
authtype(Security type)1 - OPEN Mode. 3 - WPAWPA2 (Mixed) mode. 4 - WPA2 mode. 5 - WPA2WPA3 (Mixed) mode. 6 - WPA3 mode.
ssid(ssid name)SSID name
psk name(password)Password/passphrase


  • Wi-Fi Provisioning using command line method is not recommended in production release due to security concerns.

  • All commands the parameters are mandatory, and none are optional except for password in case of "open" authentication.

TCP Socket mode

MHC configuration menu for TCP Socket:

  • Enable Check box "TCP Socket" to include TCP Socket Wi-Fi provisioning method.

  • Modifiy the "Socket Server Port".Defult port number is 6666.

  • After making configuration changes, generate the code.

  • Compile the project and load the image into device.

Wi-Fi provisioning service can be configured to use TCP socket, a socket server is activated when the device boots.Use a laptop or mobile phone as a TCP client to connect to the device's socket server. Wi-Fi provisioning service defult TCP server port is 6666.

Wi-Fi provisioning with JSON format

User can send the below JSON format data from TCP Client to provisioning the device.


"mode": 0, "save_config": 1,"countrycode":"GEN", 
"STA": { "ch": 0, "auto": 1, "auth": 3, "SSID": "DEMO_AP", "PWD":"password"}, 
"AP": {"ch": 2, "ssidv": 1, "auth": 4, "SSID": "DEMO_AP_SOFTAP", "PWD": "password" } } 

Details of JSON Parameters,

ParameterSub ParameterValue Details
mode 0 - Station(STA) mode. 1- Access point(AP) mode.
save_config 0 - Do not save configuration in NVM. 1- Save configuration in NVM .
STAch (Channel)In Station mode value range from 0-13,0 - select all the channels.1-13 - select specified channel.
auto(auto connect)0 - Don't connect to AP, wait for client request. 1 - Connect to AP.
Auth(Security type)1 - OPEN Mode.3 - WPAWPA2 (Mixed) mode. 4 - WPA2 mode. 5 - WPA3 mode.
SSID(ssid name)SSID name
APch (Channel)In Access point mode value range from 1-13
ssidv(ssid visibility)0 - Hidden SSID. 1 - Broadcast SSID .
Auth(Security type)1 - OPEN Mode. 3 - WPAWPA2 (Mixed) mode. 4 - WPA2 mode. 5 - WPA2WPA3 (Mixed) mode. 6 - WPA3 mode.
SSID(ssid name)SSID name

Wi-Fi provisioning with Mobile Application

Follow below steps to provisioning the device using mobile application:

  • Download and install the mobile application "Wi-Fi Provisioning" from Android play store.

  • Start PIC32MZW1 device in AP mode (Configure Wi-Fi Service "Device Mode" as "AP").

  • Using mobile Wi-Fi setting, make a Wi-Fi connection to PIC32MZW1 AP Mode.

  • Open the "Wi-Fi Provisioning" application.

  • Enter PIC32MZW1 IP address as Server IP in the mobile application.

  • Enter the Wi-Fi provisioning System Service configured port number.

  • SCAN near by HOMEAP and select the desired HOMEAP.

  • Enter the password.

  • User can manually add provisioning information using "Add New Network" option also.

  • After provisioning the device reboot and connect to HOMEAP.

Sending the TCP data without mobile application: Using laptop or mobile phone as TCP client,user can send the TCP data in below format to provisioning the device.

TCP Data Format : apply,<ssid>,<Auth>,<password>,NULL

ssid(ssid name)SSID name
Auth (security type)1- OPEN MODE 2 - WPA2 Mode
psk name(password)Password/passphrase


Webpage using HTTP

MHC configuration menu for HTTP (unsecure):

  • Enable Check box "HTTP" to include Wi-Fi provisioning using webpage.

  • press "Yes"for components inclusion pop-up.

  • When user enable "HTTP" checkbox only, defualt wi-f provising method enable with port number 80.

  • After making configuration changes, generate the code.

  • Compile the project and load the image into device.

Follow below steps to provisioning the device using HTTP:

  • Start PIC32MZW1 device in AP mode (Configure Wi-Fi Service "Device Mode" as "AP").

  • Connect Laptop or mobile phone to PIC32MZW1 AP device.

  • Open the browser and enter the PIC32MZW1 AP IP address(example:

  • Goto "Network Configuratio" page.

  • There are two ways of configuring a wifi network: "Scan and Connect to Wifi Network", and "Static Wifi Configuration".

  • In case of "Scan and Connect", one can scan (press the 'Start Scan' button) for the available APs in the vicinity and connect to the AP of one's choice.

  • Click on the AP from the list, you want to connect to. In case of secured AP, the user needs to give the password.

  • In case of Hidden Networks, the SSID of the AP will not be visible. In this case, the user will need to give both SSID and the password.

  • For "Static Wifi Configuration", update the Configuration details and click on "Apply Wi-Fi Configuration".

  • Device will reboot and apply configuration in the device.

HTTP functionality is also supported in station(STA) mode.

Webpage using HTTPNET (Un-Secure)

MHC configuration menu for HTTPNET(Unsecure):


Follow below steps to enable to HTTPNET unsecure,

  • Enable Check box "Enable HTTPNET".

  • Configure "Server port".User can configure any valid port number.

  • Enable Check box "HTTP" and press "Yes"for components inclusion pop-up.

  • After making configuration changes, generate the code.

  • Compile the project and load the image into device.

Follow below steps to provisioning the device using HTTP:

  • Start PIC32MZW1 device in AP mode (Configure Wi-Fi Service "Device Mode" as "AP").

  • Connect Laptop or mobile phone to PIC32MZW1 AP device.

  • Open the browser and enter the PIC32MZW1 AP IP address with port number(example:

  • Goto "Network Configuratio" page.

  • Update the Configuration details and click on "Apply Wi-Fi Configuration"

  • Device will reboot and apply configuration in the device.

Webpage using HTTPNET (Secure)

MHC configuration menu for HTTPNET(secure):


Follow below steps to enable HTTPNET secure,

  • Enable Check box "Enable HTTPNET".

  • Enable check box "Enable Secure Connection with HTTPNET"

  • Configure "Server port".User can configure any valid port number.

  • Enable Check box "HTTP" and press "Yes"for components inclusion pop-up.

  • After making configuration changes, generate the code.

  • Compile the project and load the image into device.

Follow below steps to provisioning the device using HTTP:

  • Start PIC32MZW1 device in AP mode (Configure Wi-Fi Service "Device Mode" as "AP").

  • Connect Laptop or mobile phone to PIC32MZW1 AP device.

  • Open the browser and enter the PIC32MZW1 AP IP address with port number(example:

  • Goto "Network Configuratio" page.

  • Update the Configuration details and click on "Apply Wi-Fi Configuration"

  • Device will reboot and apply configuration in the device.

How The Library Works

The Wi-Fi Provisioning System Service implemented Command line,HTTP and Socket mode Wi-Fi Provisioning method.Wi-Fi Provisioning System Service by default enabled along Wi-Fi System Service.User can make configuration changes as per their application requirement

Execution Flow

The following diagram shows how the Command line and Socket mode Wi-Fi Provisioning methods are enabled.
