1.5.2 Wi-Fi provisioning System Service Configuration

The Wi-Fi Provisioning System Service library should be configured through MHC(MPLAB Harmony Configurator). The following figure shows the MHC configuration window for configuring the Wi-Fi Provisioning System Service and a brief description of various configuration options.

The Wi-Fi Provisioning System Service library MHC menu provide option to enable required Wi-Fi Provisioning methods base on user application requirements. User can select Command line , Socket mode and HTTP as shown in below diagram.


Configuration Options:

  • WiFi Configuration Stored At ?

    • The Wi-Fi Provisioning System Service provide the two option to user to store the WiFi Configuration.

    • NVM :

      • The Wi-Fi Provisioning System Service store the WiFi Configuration into NVM using it's internal framework.

      • WiFi Configuration Stored at NVM Address(Program Flash memory):

        • NVM Address for storing Wi-Fi Configuration.

        • User can change this configuration value with program flash memory page aligned address.

        • The Wi-Fi Provisioning System Service by defult reserve 4KB from user provide NVM address for storing Wi-Fi Configuration.

        • User has to make sure the NVM address(Program Flash memory) page is not overwritten by application code.

      • Save Configuration in the NVM(Program flash memory):

        • Indicates the Wi-Fi configuration storing in the NVM.

        • This configuration is only valid when "Enable Wi-Fi Provisioning service" is enabled.

    • User :

      • The Wi-Fi Provisioning System Service don't store the WiFi Configuration into any memory.

      • The Wi-Fi Provisioning System generate the application callback using WiFi service with message type SYS_WIFI_PROVCONFIG for user to store and manage the WiFi Configuration as per their choice.

Wi-Fi Provisioning Methods

  • Command Line(CLI):

    • Enable/Disable Wi-Fi Provision using command line.

  • HTTP pages:

    • Enable/Disable Wi-Fi Provision using HTTP pages(webpage).

    • HTTP Socket Number:

      • User configuration for HTTP Server Socket.

      • Defult port number is 80.

  • TCP socket:

    • Enable/Disable Wi-Fi Provision using TCP Socket.

    • TCP Socket Number:

      • User configuration for TCP Server Socket.

      • Defult port number is 6666. TCP Socket port number is used by Mobile Applicaiton and JSON.