1.1.3 App Debug System Service Interface

Data Types and Constants Summary

APP_LOG_LVL_DISABLEApp Debug Service Logging Disabled
APP_LOG_ERROR_LVLApp Debug Service Error Log Level
APP_LOG_DBG_LVLApp Debug Service Debug Log Level
APP_LOG_INFO_LVLApp Debug Service Info Log Level
APP_LOG_FN_EE_LVLApp Debug Service Service Entry/ Exit Log Level
SYS_APPDEBUG_MAX_NUM_OF_USERSNumber of instances of App Debug Service supported
SYS_APPDEBUG_CONFIGDefines the data required to initialize the app debug system service.
SYS_APPDEBUG_CtrlMsgTypeIdentifies the control message for which the User has called the SYS_APPDEBUG_CtrlMsg().
SYS_APPDEBUG_RESULTIdentifies the return values for the Sys App Debug APIs.

Initialization functions Summary

SYS_APPDEBUG_InitializeReturns success/ failure for initialization of data structures of the
SYS_APPDEBUG_DeinitializeReturns success/ failure for deinitialization of data structures of the

Setup functions Summary

SYS_APPDEBUG_OpenOpen an instance of the System App Debug service.
SYS_APPDEBUG_CloseClose the specific module instance of the SYS App Debug service
SYS_APPDEBUG_CtrlMsgReturns success/ failure for the flow/ level set operation asked by the user.
SYS_APPDEBUG_ERR_PRINTUsed for logging Error Level Logs
SYS_APPDEBUG_DBG_PRINTUsed for logging Debug Level Logs
SYS_APPDEBUG_INFO_PRINTUsed for logging Info Level Logs
SYS_APPDEBUG_FN_ENTER_PRINTUsed for logging Function Entry Logs
SYS_APPDEBUG_FN_EXIT_PRINTUsed for logging Function Exit Logs