15.2 Features
The following are key features of the Power Manager module:
- Reset Control
- Reset the microcontroller and set it to an initial state according to the Reset source
- Multiple Reset sources
- Power Reset sources: POR, BOD12, BOD33
- User Reset sources: External Reset (RESET), Watchdog Timer Reset, Software Reset
- Reset Status register for reading the Reset source from the application code
- Clock Control
- Controls CPU, AHB and APB system
- Multiple clock sources and division factor from GCLK
- Clock prescaler with 1x to 128x division
- Safe run-time clock switching from GCLK
- Module-level clock gating through maskable peripheral clocks
- Controls CPU, AHB and APB system
- Power Management Control
- Sleep modes: Idle, Standby
- SleepWalking support on GCLK clocks