16.5.3 Clocks

The SYSCTRL gathers controls for all device oscillators and provides clock sources to the Generic Clock Controller (GCLK). The available clock sources are: XOSC, XOSC32K, OSC32K, OSCULP32K, OSC8M and DFLL48M.

The SYSCTRL bus clock (CLK_SYSCTRL_APB) can be enabled and disabled in the Power Manager, and the default state of CLK_SYSCTRL_APB can be found in the Peripheral Clock Masking section in the PM – Power Manager.

The clock used by BOD33in sampled mode is asynchronous to the user interface clock (CLK_SYSCTRL_APB). Likewise, the DFLL48M control logic uses the DFLL oscillator output, which is also asynchronous to the user interface clock (CLK_SYSCTRL_APB). Due to this asynchronicity, writes to certain registers will require synchronization between the clock domains. Refer to Synchronization for further details.