6.3.1 Thread MCC Configuration

The configuration of Thread MCC is categorized into two parts: common configuration and Device Role Specific configuration. The configuration for Device Role selection is included in the Thread MCC Configuration options. If CLI services are being used, the authority to select Device Role configuration will be in CLI, and the options for device role specific configuration will be displayed in the thread configuration options. The Common configuration options are not are not applicable when the device role selected is RCP. The below image depicts the thread device role configurations.

Thread Code can be generated as source or library and image below depicts the thread generation configuration.

Full Thread Device(FTD) MCC Configuration Options:

The following image illustrates the role of the device as FTD and the available configuration options for FTD in the Thread Stack configuration options window.

From the above image FTD configuration details are as follows

Maximum children - The maximum number of children supported by the FTD device. The default number of children supported is 20.

IP Addr Per Child - The maximum number of supported IPv6 address registrations per child. The default value is 4.

In Band Commissioning - It is a boolean selection option which is by default disabled. In Band Commissioning has two sub options if enabled.
  • Joiner - Enables Joiner for In Band Commissioning. Default Value is enabled.
  • Commissioner – Enables Commissioner for In Band Commissioning. Default Value is Disabled.

    The image below depicts the In Band Commissioning in FTD configuration and its sub configuration options.

Minimal Thread Device(MTD) MCC Configuration Options:

The following image illustrates the role of the device as MTD and the available configuration options for MTD in the Thread Stack configuration options window.

From the above image MTD configuration details are as follows

Enable Sleep - Enables Sleep Feature. Sleep Feature is by default disabled and cannot be enabled when CLI is included (in use).

MLE Child Timeout(sec) - The default MLE child timeout value (in seconds). The default value is 240.

In Band Commissioning - It is a boolean selection option which is by default disabled. In Band Commissioning has one sub options if enabled.

  • Joiner - Enables Joiner for In Band Commissioning. Default Value is enabled.

    The image below depicts the In Band Commissioning in MTD configuration and its sub configuration options.

Common MCC Configuration Options:

The following image illustrates the common configuration options for FTD and MTD available in the Thread Stack configuration window.

From the above image common configuration details are as follows

Enable Thread Log - It enables the built in logger service from the open thread implementation which in turn uses drv_usart for serial output logging. Log Feature is by default disabled, if enabled the log level selection is OT_LOG_LEVEL_NONE. Users must change the log level as per the requirement.

Note: The default log level in thread prebuilt Library(.a) is set to OT_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG and dynamic log level control is possible.

Enable TCP - It is a boolean options which enables the TCP service and by default the option is disabled.

Coap Block Transfer - It is a boolean option which enables Coap Block Transfer and by default the option is disabled.

Note: Coap Block transfer is supported upto 512 bytes of block data only(block-512).

Radio Co-Processor(RCP) MCC Configuration Options:

The following image illustrates the role of the device as RCP and the available configuration options for RCP in the Thread Stack configuration options window.

HDLC Interface - Interface to communicate with the Host device.

Note: In this current release RCP supports only UART based host interface protocol.