4 Source Code Overview

The oversampling demo application has been developed and tested for the ATtiny817 Xplained Pro board.

  • CPU clock (default) 3.33 MHz
  • Peripherals used:
    • ADC input channel is AIN 5 pin PA5
    • ADC resolution 10 bits
    • ADC clock CLK_PER divided by 4
    • USART: baud rate 9600, TXD: PB2
    • VREF: ADC reference voltage 2.5V
The project configured in Atmel START generates peripheral driver functions and files, as well as a ‘main()’ function that initializes all drivers.
  • Driver header and source files are in the src and include folder
  • In atmel_start.c file, the function ‘atmel_start_init()’ initializes MCU, drivers, and middleware in the project