2 Running the Test Design

To test the board, you can download and program the demo design. For more information see the Documentation Resources section. The following table lists the actions and results for running the demo:

Table 2-2. Board Operation
Press SW1Asynchronous clear for the whole design.
Press SW2Up-down control for the 8-bit counter. Press and hold SW2 for down count when Count mode is selected using SW6.
Press SW3Synchronous load for the 8-bit counter. Press SW3 for loading from the Hex switches.
Press SW4Switching between manual clock (SW5) and 40 MHz oscillator clock.
Press SW5Manual clock (very useful for simulation).
Press SW6Select for DATA_BLOCK. It allows switching LED output between the counter and flashing data.
Change Hex Switch Setting (U13 and U14)Changes the loaded data for the 8-bit counter.